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Html5 Canvas Blur And Save

Here is what's bothering me. Let's say I have a picture of a car. I would like to put that picture in a canvas, blur it and then save the blurred image. Is it possible? The image d

Solution 1:

You can do that with a great little script called stackblur:


  • Takes an img element,
  • Blurs that image and
  • Writes the blurred image to a canvas.

You control the "blurriness" by changing the blur radius:

var blurRadius=5;


Then you can use canvas.toDataURL to get the data url of the blurred image on the canvas.

enter image description here

Here's example code:

<!doctype html><htmllang="en"><head><style>body{ background-color: ivory; }

  $(function() {



  });   // end $(function(){});</script></head><body><p>The original img element</p><imgid="blurMe"src="car.jpg"><br><p>The canvas with blurred image</p><canvasid="canvas"width=300height=300></canvas><br><p>An image using the canvas as .src</p><imgid="results"></body></html>

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