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How To Resize Div When Dragging Top Left?

In CSS3 resize, the icon to resize is positioned in the bottom right. How do I make it appear in the top left and make the user able to resize accordingly? I've found here: The p

Solution 1:

You can't, it is handled by the User Agent (but you can try rotating it :)

Honestly, I agree with the one commenting that the whole resize property thing should have been left out of the standards:

This shouldn’t be in the standard. Resizable textboxes are a user agent feature to help mitigate poor design, and giving developers the option to it is madness. If I as a user want to resize a textbox to help me enter text, then that should be up to me. The developer has no idea about the screen resolution, DPI, and physical dimensions of my device, or any special accessibility overrides or user stylesheets I have applied, and therefore no way to say I don’t need to resize something.

Amen :/

Solution 2:

Look at the last line from what you quoted:

The precise direction of resizing is left to the UA to properly determine for the platform.

That means the default behavior is browser specific and you can't hack it.

Your only other option is to do the resizing with JavaScript.

A quick Google search led me to this:

Though I am sure you could do this without the JavaScript Library overhead.

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