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How To Insert Data To A Closest Td With Jquery?

I am trying to get value of an input textbox and insert the value into a td in the same row. Here is my HTML Code:

Solution 1:

.find() looks for the selector in the descendants of input, not the parents. So you need to use $(this).closest('td').

Then, you can use .siblings() like this:



get the nearest tr, and look for a td with z class:


Solution 2:

you can use siblings() for find class "z"

    if(e.which == 13){
        var val =  $(this).val();
<scriptsrc=""></script><tableclass="test"><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Fish</td><tdclass="z">Chicken</td></tr><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Cricket</td><tdclass="z">Tenis</td></tr><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Watch</td><tdclass="z">Hat</td></tr></table>

Solution 3:

Here you go with one more solution

  if(e.which == 13){
      var val =  $(this).val();
<scriptsrc=""></script><tableclass="test"><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Fish</td><tdclass="z">Chicken</td></tr><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Cricket</td><tdclass="z">Tenis</td></tr><tr ><tdclass="x"><inputtype="text"class="testinp"></td><tdclass="y">Watch</td><tdclass="z">Hat</td></tr></table>

Traverse till tr using closest and the find td with class z

Hope this will help you.

Solution 4:

Try the following:


.find doesn't go up in the DOM, it goes down. So you won't find any td that are under your input field.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to remove the . point. I copied and edited your approach, it should say .next("td") of course.

Solution 5:

Try this

    if(e.which == 13){
        var val =  $(this).val();


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