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Showing posts from July, 2024

Apply Position: Sticky To Child Of A Div

Position: sticky doesn't seem to work for me when I apply it to a child of a div. How to solve?… Read more Apply Position: Sticky To Child Of A Div

Generate Select Options Using Php Arrays

I have a 'state' category select that displays one of 4 'carrier' selects based on … Read more Generate Select Options Using Php Arrays

I Can't Save The Canvas As An Image When I Use Ctx.drawimage() To Put Another Image In It

Im trying to make drawing app where you can draw something on canvas and save your result as an ima… Read more I Can't Save The Canvas As An Image When I Use Ctx.drawimage() To Put Another Image In It

Load Images Based On Screen Size

I have the following HTML code which displays an image: What I am tryi Solution 1: No one has su… Read more Load Images Based On Screen Size

Why Does My Form Element Have A Random Jquery Attribute?

I'm using Approval Tests and WatiN to test the integration of my ASP.NET MVC2 pages. WatiN laun… Read more Why Does My Form Element Have A Random Jquery Attribute?

Mozilla Firefox Form Values Reset On History.back

I'm writing a PHP script. I've got a form uses post method and action to another page. If a… Read more Mozilla Firefox Form Values Reset On History.back

How Is Div Height Calculated From Font Size

Is there is a way to calculate automatic div height knowing contained font size and family? How doe… Read more How Is Div Height Calculated From Font Size

Can Input Form Attribute Specify Multiple Form Ids? Or Not?

w3schools specify: 'Definition and Usage: The form attribute specifies one or more forms the e… Read more Can Input Form Attribute Specify Multiple Form Ids? Or Not?

How To Center List

If I have a list on my html page: ... Solution 1: A style of #list {text-align:center; } should … Read more How To Center List

Website Should Have Same Background Color As Video

I have a website, with a HTML5-video. The website should have the same background color as the vide… Read more Website Should Have Same Background Color As Video

Use Javascript To Intercept Data Received In A Webpage

I have a webpage that will receive data in JSON format for every x minutes. I want to get its URL a… Read more Use Javascript To Intercept Data Received In A Webpage

Is There An Html/css/js Editor That Immediately Shows Changes?

I just saw Bret Victors Keynote called 'Inventing on Principle'. At around 3:34 Minutes he … Read more Is There An Html/css/js Editor That Immediately Shows Changes?

Jquery Fadein() And Fadeout() Without Delay

Please see the attached JSFiddle. Div1 (red) fades out to show div2 (blue). It all works fine. But … Read more Jquery Fadein() And Fadeout() Without Delay

Lazy Loading With "responsive" Images (unknown Height)

I'm using a CSS grid system which is based upon percentages. I have a grid with 4 columns, each… Read more Lazy Loading With "responsive" Images (unknown Height)

Display The Result Of A Javascript Function In A Div Element

I have a Javascript function which does the following: It takes the value from an list box which t… Read more Display The Result Of A Javascript Function In A Div Element

Set Component Style From Variable In Angular 2

My goal is to set a style (height and width in this case) from a component variable using the '… Read more Set Component Style From Variable In Angular 2

Problems When Toggling A Class Called "a:active" Using Jquery

As it stands, clicking on 'Link' twice redirects you to a page, but whenever you click on a… Read more Problems When Toggling A Class Called "a:active" Using Jquery

Overlaying Closing Button Ontop Of Facebook Like Button But Keep Functionality

I've been trying to get this working because I don't understand the whole facebook coding. … Read more Overlaying Closing Button Ontop Of Facebook Like Button But Keep Functionality

How To Resize Div When Dragging Top Left?

In CSS3 resize, the icon to resize is positioned in the bottom right. How do I make it appear in th… Read more How To Resize Div When Dragging Top Left?

Html5 Date Picker Doesn't Show On Safari

Having previously used jQuery date picker, I have now converted some of the date fields in forms on… Read more Html5 Date Picker Doesn't Show On Safari

How Can A Scraped Html Be Different From The Source Code?

I'm scraping a list of restaurants from a website (with permission) and I have a problem. The h… Read more How Can A Scraped Html Be Different From The Source Code?

Place 'floating' Contents At The Bottom Right Of A Paragraph Of Text

Here is the code: I want the floating $$ to be within the paragraph bef… Read more Place 'floating' Contents At The Bottom Right Of A Paragraph Of Text

How To Make A Ussd Call On A Iphone From A Button In A Webpage?

How to make a USSD call on a iPhone from a button in a webpage? I have tried the urlencode tel%3A*1… Read more How To Make A Ussd Call On A Iphone From A Button In A Webpage?

Footer. It Overlaps On Div

I've got a problem with the footer of my website. It overlaps to the content div. I've got … Read more Footer. It Overlaps On Div

Iframe Data Will Not Load From One Subdomain, But Works Fine From Another Subdomain

I'm trying to figure out why iframe will not load on a specific page. Code that I'm using: … Read more Iframe Data Will Not Load From One Subdomain, But Works Fine From Another Subdomain

Html5boiler Plate + Jquery Mobile = Scripts Loading Twice

I am working on an experimental jquery mobile based app using html5 boilerplate as a base for html … Read more Html5boiler Plate + Jquery Mobile = Scripts Loading Twice

How To Stop Horizontal Scrolling?

I have written a file using html and javascript. In that Vertical scrolling should be there, but i … Read more How To Stop Horizontal Scrolling?

Responsive Columns And The Columnizer Plugin - How Can I Stop The Text From Wrapping/stopping At The Certain Point?

I'm working on a little project to learn html/CSS and use the Columnizer plugin. The problem: … Read more Responsive Columns And The Columnizer Plugin - How Can I Stop The Text From Wrapping/stopping At The Certain Point?

How To Make Colspan Work Without Affecting Width Of The Other Rows

I noticed that the content of a td with a colspan over all columns affects the width of the other r… Read more How To Make Colspan Work Without Affecting Width Of The Other Rows

Textarea Preview Div

I am trying to script a textarea preview (like stackoverflow) that shows in a div automatically. I … Read more Textarea Preview Div

Position Children Div Above Parent Div

I cant position div2 above div1 (not in the z-index but in vertical dimension). Negative position… Read more Position Children Div Above Parent Div

How Can I Use The Css Pseudo-element :before{ Content: '' } To Affect An

If I have a list of optons, how can I use the CSS pseudo-element :before{ content: '' } to … Read more How Can I Use The Css Pseudo-element :before{ Content: '' } To Affect An

Css Div Positioning And Jquery Slideup Madness

SOLVED Look at the comments below Read more Css Div Positioning And Jquery Slideup Madness

How To Insert Data To A Closest Td With Jquery?

I am trying to get value of an input textbox and insert the value into a td in the same row. Here i… Read more How To Insert Data To A Closest Td With Jquery?

How Do I Turn A Table Cell Into A Clickable Link That Displays Hidden Column Contents?

I have a script that generates a dynamic table from values stored in an array. Though the array ha… Read more How Do I Turn A Table Cell Into A Clickable Link That Displays Hidden Column Contents?

Is There An "idiot Proof" Way To Re-enable All Fields (regardless Of There State) On A Form?

My problem is that I have javascript that enables/disables some form fields that I have disabled by… Read more Is There An "idiot Proof" Way To Re-enable All Fields (regardless Of There State) On A Form?

Span Background Color Across Viewport Width

I am trying to build a responsive navigation bar with CSS Grid layout that spans across the viewpor… Read more Span Background Color Across Viewport Width

Justify Paragraph Text Html

How would one justify this text?? I have tried and searched for days to get something so simple to … Read more Justify Paragraph Text Html

I Created A Dialog, Now How Can I Close It?

I have included a link to my site below for review of the JS in the head section, as well as to all… Read more I Created A Dialog, Now How Can I Close It?

Creating A Loading Image While Ajax Loads

This is the code I have. I'm trying to insert a image to show that ajax is loading but I just c… Read more Creating A Loading Image While Ajax Loads

Basic Php File Upload System

im building a file upload/dwnload app in using the following form Upload Index … Read more Basic Php File Upload System

Download Html Page And Its Contents

Does Python have any way of downloading an entire HTML page and its contents (images, css) to a loc… Read more Download Html Page And Its Contents

Is It Right To Add Style In Css To Semantic Elements Of Html 5?

Is it right, to add styles to html 5 semantics (nav, header, footer, etc...) like we add them to di… Read more Is It Right To Add Style In Css To Semantic Elements Of Html 5?

Vue.js Component Not Working

I can't seem to figure out how to make components work. Without the component it works fine (th… Read more Vue.js Component Not Working

How Do I Send A String Through Html Into A Controller. Mvc

I have a method that exports data into Excel called ExportCSV(). I would like a method that has som… Read more How Do I Send A String Through Html Into A Controller. Mvc

Html5 Canvas Drawimage() Not Working On Firefox

The problem: I'm working on a project where I need to animate the drawing of a symbol on a canv… Read more Html5 Canvas Drawimage() Not Working On Firefox

How To Extract The Data Using Sed Command

I have the data this &mac=1E-30-6C-A2-47-5F&ip=… Read more How To Extract The Data Using Sed Command

Regular Expression Matching Liquid Code

I'm building a website using Jekyll I would like to automatically remove liquid code (and only … Read more Regular Expression Matching Liquid Code

How To Type Mixing Of Caps And Small Letter In Same Textbox, If I Set Default Uppercase In Style?

I set default text as caps for textbox in style (i.e., style='text-transform: uppercase') i… Read more How To Type Mixing Of Caps And Small Letter In Same Textbox, If I Set Default Uppercase In Style?

Jquery Show Hide Each Div Onclick

I have a dynamic number of divs which generated through I need to show each div contents b… Read more Jquery Show Hide Each Div Onclick

How To Break Javascript Operation On Input And Start New Operation

I have produced a table but I am using s instead of s and s. here is an example: Solution 1: You … Read more How To Break Javascript Operation On Input And Start New Operation

Having Trouble Changing Color By Pressing Left Or Right Button

I'm having trouble changing change the color when you from left to right button. Holding down t… Read more Having Trouble Changing Color By Pressing Left Or Right Button

Container Fix Width. Center Div Dynamic Width. Want Left Right Divs To Fill Out Remaining Width Equally

Have Three columns..Combine width of all three is fixed.. 2nd ( center ) column will have dynamic c… Read more Container Fix Width. Center Div Dynamic Width. Want Left Right Divs To Fill Out Remaining Width Equally

Press A Button On A Webpage Using Vba And Without Opening Ie

I was wondering if it is possible to 'click a button' on a webpage without opening the page… Read more Press A Button On A Webpage Using Vba And Without Opening Ie