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Table Sorter Images Not Applying In Tablesorter.js?

I am trying to apply the sorter images to table sorter table like the below.But the styles are not applying. using the below js file By defau

Solution 1:

Try to wrap your jQuery code inside DOM ready handler:

$(function() {
       /* theme: 'blue',*/sortList: [
            [1, 0]
        widgets: ['zebra', 'columns']

Solution 2:

The latest version of tablesorter uses different class names from the original. Try using the following css:

.tablesortertheadtr.header {
    background-image: url('/Public/images/sorter/bg.gif');  
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center right;
    cursor: pointer;
.tablesortertheadtr.headerSortAsc {
    background-image: url('/Public/images/sorter/asc.gif'); 
.tablesortertheadtr.headerSortDesc {
    background-image: url('/Public/images/sorter/desc.gif'); 

If you want to change the actual class name, then modify the cssAsc and cssDesc option.

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