Solution 1:
I seem to find a workaround for your problem. First of all, wrap your <svg>
element with <div id="content">
. This is necessary, because later we will reinitialize the inner content of this div.
<div id="content">
<svg width="400" viewBox="0 0 400 400">
Then in the script section do the following woodoo-magic:
domReady: function() {
this.async(function() {
this.injectBoundHTML(this.$.content.innerHTML, this.$.content);
}, this);
Please don’t complain about the weirdness of this trick :)
You are done: FF is satisfied now.
Solution 2:
Using SVG sprites I ran into issues that are similar to the one you describe but not the same. So what I propose is not exactly a solution to your problem, however you could avoid such issues altogether by using iron-iconset-svg (, which in my opinion provides a cleaner/easier solution. Its simply a wrapper for your SVG sprite sheet, so you define your icons almost the same way and use them with iron-icon.
Defining a custom iconset (put it directly into the page or wrap it inside an element + set a name that describes the icons, here: 'your-iconset-name')
<iron-iconset-svg name="your-iconset-name" size="24">
<g id="your-icon-name">
<rect x="12" y="0" width="12" height="24" />
<circle cx="12" cy="12" r="12" />
If you wrap them, lets say in 'your-custom-iconset', you can include the iconset like this:
Using icons
When you need an icon you just include iron-icons ( and place it like this:
<iron-icon icon="your-iconset-name:your-icon-name"></iron-icon>
You can then give it a class to apply styling and don't need to use 'fill' for its color, just use 'color'.
Solution 3:
I fixed it in Polymer 1.0 like this:
attached: function () {
//Fix "svg-use" in Firefox!! -> Properly bad for Performance (Issue:
this.async(function () {
this.$.content.innerHTML = this.$.content.innerHTML;
}, this);
but I don't use Bindings in my component (yet)
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