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How To Include A Php File In A Html File Via A Php Script

I already post this question before but people always ask unnecessary question. I'm gonna explain it in a simple way. I HAVE 3 files : a php file (contains only html, thats import

Solution 1:

To include a file you do


So in this case

X contains <?php include('Y'); ?> And Y contains <?php include('Z') ?>

But if you are doing what i think you are doing (a template of some sort) you would be better of by looking into overflow buffer ( ob_start and ob_end_flush for example )

Those can place all echoed information into a variable to be modified later, also the php inside is run, instead of just read as text as in your example with the file_get_contents()

Solution 2:

The question is very unclear and vague, but I have a guess:

File X is some HTML where you want to replace special markers.
File Y loads the value from DB that should replace the marker.
File Z does the replacement.

This could be solved like that (File Z):

$repl = ob_get_contents();

$src = ob_get_contents();

echo str_replace("THEREPLACEMENTMARKER", $repl, $src);

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